Sunday, May 19, 2013

Salt Lake City

The 9.5 hour drive from Sacramento to Salt Lake was spent mostly in Northern Nevada. Now, you may think of glitzy casinos and washed up singers, but no. Most of Nevada looks like Mars. It's creepy and desolate - we got through it as quickly as possible.

See? Mars.

When we arrived in SLC, we checked into a really cute B&B that housed Team Great Britain during the 2002 Olympics. One thing about SLC, they never, ever let you forget that they hosted the Olympics once 11 years ago. The SLC2002 logo is still emblazoned everywhere, people mention it like all the time, and there is still an official Olympic clock telling you what time it in in Athens right in the middle of downtown. I mean, we get it.

Really though, it is a great city. We toured around Temple Square and visited the LDS Church History Museum, which was actually really interesting. Those Mormons really got kicked around back in the day. No wonder they came all the way out here to get away from everyone. The kicker was that we arrived just in time to hear the renowned Mormon Tabernacle Choir practice. The fact that this is a part-time, volunteer choir just blew our minds. We then hopped over to a local brewery and took in the Rockies while sipping on something that more than 50% of the city isn't supposed to have. And it was delicious.

After an amaaaaaazing dinner, we walked back to the B&B and sat on the front porch, just chatting. It's amazing that we haven't run out of things to say yet, but there's just always a funny story to be told or a hypothetical question to answer. On top of being married, we really are best friends. :)

The next morning we got up early and headed back to Temple Square to go to the top of the city's tallest building, the LDS Church Office Building, to get a good panorama of town.

 We even saw a wedding going on at the temple. Adorable.

 So, final consensus: SLC is a really charming city. It's got more going on than people sometimes give it credit for. However, if Portland is the lefty/granola/hippie city, Salt Lake is the exact opposite. It is the Anti-Portland. Everything seemed just a little too....neat and orderly. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Stay tuned for our Denver post after a weekend in the mile-high city -I'm sure we'll be able to confirm that there's more than one reason for that nickname ;)

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