Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mamie Eisenhower! Or, How to Pass the Time

Miles traveled: 1500+
Evangelical Christian Radio Stations Scanned: 40,938,409,347,509,345,830

So at this point you may be wondering what it is we actually do to keep from killing each other during seemingly endless hours in the car together. I thought by this time we would be at least a little tired of seeing each other’s mugs for 18 hours a day. 

But I still can’t get enough. We have a routine (if you know Cat, this is zero percent surprising) which we go through every morning. First, we do two chapters of a trivia book that my parents bought me a few years back as a stocking stuffer. Its subtitle is “trivia for really smart, overeducated people who have nothing better to do”. That about sums it up. One of today’s chapters was “First Ladies”. It’s amazing how much drivel and useless knowledge you can pull out of your cortex if given hundreds of miles of interstate. After the trivia, we do a few pages of a book called “All About Us”. It’s one of those fill-in-the-blank jobs that is meant to prompt meaningful discussion. Usually we already know each other’s answers and have talked about those answers at length (again, if you know Catalina, this is not surprising). So at this point, we are trying to beat All About Us at its own game, guessing what each other would put in the blank before that person says it. We then listen to our book on tape about the pre-Columbian Americas, chat, and see how quickly we can distinguish the Christian Rock stations while scanning through the radio (average- about 2.5 seconds). It may sounds boring to you, but it’s something I look forward to just as much as our next destination, and it’s one of the most fun parts of our trip. 

We also talk about Nacho. Like, a lot. 

Smallest of buds.

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