Saturday, May 4, 2013

Nacho comes to Visit

We're spending three days with Catalina's sister, brother-in-law, and their two adorable girls- Micaela and Alexandra. Aside from them being pretty awesome, they've agreed to watch our dog Nacho all summer. We also realized as we were walking out of the door in Ann Arbor that we have a fish. So we loaded Cheese up and drove him nearly 700 miles, too. You know, cause it's fun to listen to fish water slop onto your car's floor somewhere around Gary. And then smell it for seven more hours.

I digress.

The girls are THRILLED to have Nacho. Here's Alex walking Nacho, because I sure as hell wasn't going out in the snow on May 3rd.

I have to admit, being an uncle is really cool. Since I'm the eldest, my brother and sister don't have any kids yet (thank God).  When I was growing up, I looked up to my dad's youngest brother as the coolest person in the entire world. When Cat and I got married, I got six ready-made nieces and nephews. That's been one of the best things about the last couple of years- folding all of these really fun people into my family. Plus, these kids are all so freaking CUTE.

We get to see the other four later in the trip when we get to California. :)

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